Tradition vs Modernism

If education, dependent upon the tradition for revealing the truths of history, falls fowl of the teaching of the modernist heresy of change for the sake of change, because traditions are old fashioned, then the first step backwards in the ‘dumbing out’ process of humanity, has been achieved.
This process by the mainstream media and Hollywood is failure to report and entertain on matters of objective truth for the purpose of true education. When orchestrated purposely, this mindset is the slow development of the Heresy of ‘Modernism’, the synthesis of all heresies, a sickness of the mind, for feeling obliged to offer the counter affirmation; it cannot reside in the truth.
A modern Papacy’s 60s Council spiritually bereft back door entry of doctrinal changes to the ‘Mass of the Ages’, went unheeded by the Faithful, creating the precedent of changing unchangeable doctrine, particularly Pope Paul V1’s New Rite of Holy Orders of the new Pontifical of 1968.
The action leaves no room for doubt that a sacrifice offering Priesthood, has been terminated, reflecting a drop in Church attendance. After 2000 years, seemingly overnight, changes without number, have become the new order of the day, sounding this traditions death knell.

Jim Shanks
Byron Bay