Character lost

Recently it was announced that April 6 is Waltzing Matilda Day.
I wonder though how many would know or understand this Australian classic. How many young people would know of a swagman or what a billabong was, who would comprehend?
Today Banjo Paterson would have to include such overused American terms as guys – absolutely – awesome – I guess – oh yes and “GREAT” everything is better than good it has to be GREAT BUDDY.
Our men who fought on Kokoda didn’t call it a trail as here in Australia, then we used the word track. Even Anzac Biscuits are now Anzac Cookies.
We have lost our Australian character to adopt mimic and mime ALL things American. We dress, talk and eat like them.
In a questionnaire to high school students one question was – “What is the (Australian) Emergency phone number?” Majority answered 911.
Strange though Americans I know understand and appreciate what I am saying, as one said to me “You’re not anti-American, You are PRO-Australian” and that’s how it ought to be in the land of fair dinkum it once was.
Lest We Forget.

D.G Brooke