‘My Say’…

By Jeremy Lister

‘The Merry Muster’

When I went into town on the Saturday before last I was told there was just going to be a small concert but when I got there I was surprised to find out that the main street was closed for the Merry Muster and everybody was busy trying to find a park. Vic (the mayor) was the MC up at the piazza and Mark Carter was also at the piazza singing music. The St Joseph’s choir was up next and my little brother William sang with Dr Cuskelly conducting and playing piano. Mum played viola with the Occasional Players and then and she also volunteered for Rotary (in the photo). And I think that it was good that all these tourists came because our community mostly relies on tourism and agriculture and it really helps out our tourism.

The Merry Muster was organised by Kristen Bonner. There were 7 buses of people who came from Brisbane and the Gold Coast to do their Christmas shopping in the Southern Downs. The Merry Muster also made donations to local charities including Granite Belt Water Relief. I think that the Merry Muster is a wonderful initiative and hope that it continues in years to come.

 *This article is from 1 December 2020, and is being digitised so our readers have access to our full catalogue.