David De Vito returns to Warwick

With his voice being recorded at a thunderous 152db, dramatic tenor, David De Vito was definitely blessed with a voice to be heard and with his recent Grand Final success on channel 7’s Australia’s Got Talent, more than three million people have been exposed to the talent that we in Warwick have known and loved for years.
Local Queenslander, now superstar, De Vito was a much loved performer at our Warwick Carols for the past couple of years, now set to return to Warwick at the Town Hall for one show only on June 2.
Touring constantly (including Las Vegas, US) since Australia’s Got Talent (AGT) concluded in August, De Vito is excited to be putting down roots back in his old Queensland stomping grounds for a few weeks after signing a recording contract with one of his Music Theatre idols, Michael Crawford’s record company, Fanfare Records.
De Vito is now embarking on an exciting new chapter in his already acclaimed career, with his new album due for an early August release in records stores nation-wide and his next national tour starting soon after.
“The most exciting thing at the moment is being home and being given the chance to perform for the people who have always supported me, even before AGT. These people are the reason I am where I am today, they gave me the courage to go for a show like AGT and I am really looking forward to going back and performing for them again,” he said.
Tickets are now on sale from The Box Office on 1300 338 486. The cost is $35 for adults and $25 for students and pensioners.