Aliens are green?

No wonder Bob Brown resigned before the ‘carbon tax’ was implemented as he didn’t want to be on the receiving end of a backlash of hostility from the community. The annual Green Oration on the Greens website, (March 23) which was mainly hushed up by the party, would be a contributing factor. His speech begins with “Fellow Earthians” and continues with The Big Bang and the possibility of people-like animals who have evolved elsewhere. Mr Brown actually wonders why the intergalactic phones aren’t ringing! He thinks these Aliens ruined their environment and brought about their own downfall.
Apparently, the only way to save ourselves from this fate is a global parliament. He waffles on about the glorious future of mankind with this new Global Democracy which is suspiciously like another form of Communism. Bob Brown is obviously ‘up there with the pixies’ and no doubt many in his party are of the same ilk.
If you want to read this ludicrous speech in its entirety, google “Bob Brown delivers the 3rd annual Green Oration”.
Lesley Chapman