Foreign currency

Gold! Gold! Gold! No, I’m not referring to Australia’s sporting prowess at the Olympic Games. Rather it’s a glimpse back to the gold rush of early Australia when thousands of Chinese diggers and labourers flocked to our shores.
The first Commonwealth Parliament, in 1901, was alarmed that about 50,000 Chinese had settled in Australia. The result was the adoption of the Immigration Restriction Bill, known as the White Australia Policy. The Whitlam government abolished this legislation. It would be interesting to know the number of Chinese residents we have in Australia today.
Compared to 1901, the Chinese are now well accepted. Many migrate here; Chinese billionaires, Chinese mining companies and the Chinese Communist Government are allowed to purchase large areas of prime productive food producing farm land. Much of this farming country will be used to feed the massive population on the Chinese mainland.
Any serious objection by the Australian Government to this foreign invasion would result in howls of disapproval from the United Nations.

Jay Nauss
Glen Aplin