Powerline fight heats up

Information sessions held last week to assist residents concerned about a new powerline project between Warwick and Stanthorpe have been branded a waste of time by locals.
There was disappointment among residents over the lack of specific information about the project. Ergon Energy staff on hand were only taking questions from stakeholders to put toward the yet to be formed Community Reference Group (CRG).
Fears of legal liability of anyone nominating to be part of the CRG were put to rest, however, as Ergon management explained that the CRG decision would actually not determine the project outcome as that was a decision that could only be made by the board of Ergon.
Resident Sandi Jaxon said at the meeting, “We have no confidence that a facilitator paid for by Ergon is actually independent, or going to be able to select a suitably representative group to discuss the route options appropriately.”
Warwick resident group AWARE were joined on Monday night for a meeting by a large contingent of Stanthorpe residents who are now joining forces to try and get the line moved further away from houses.
Many residents are now seeking legal advice to assist in handling the matter and to look at compensation in cases ranging from compensation for loss of property values and loss of income from property that can no longer be used near the powerlines.
Another community meeting will be held at 12.30pm on Sunday, May 20, at 335 Church Road, The Summit.
It will be open to all of the community to share information and discuss strategies on how to proceed forward on this issue. A sausage sizzle will be available on the day.