Budget omission

Well, the Budget has been published and there is one very glaring omission.
Pensions did not get a mention.
Every now and then we hear someone going on about the Stolen Generation, well let me say that now we have another topic, the forgotten and ignored generation, which correctly describes pensioners.
I urge all pensioners to write letters, get in touch with their local members and get together and stand up and be counted. It’s amazing what people power can do when we all stick together and keep hacking away at the powers that be.
Low income earners are going to benefit, and rightly so, but what are pensioners if they are not low income earners. They are the lowest of the low and, as far as I can see, we are rated on the bottom rung of the ladder in social circles.
So come on oldies, get out there and talk about our plight and keep at it until someone sits up and takes notice.

Margaret Nash
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