First steps towards implementing policy

In his first week as the new Mayor of the Southern Downs, Peter Blundell has taken the first steps towards implementing his campaign policy.
“I would like to thank the electorate for the faith they have shown in their Councillors and for electing me as council’s leader,” Cr Blundell said.
“The past four years have been challenging and our community has been clear about what they want to see changed,” he said.
“I look forward to working with our team to bring about these changes and engender pride in council services.”
This begins with the budgeting process and ensuring the 10-year financial forecast reflects the priorities of the community. 
“Budget meetings for the next financial year are to begin on the 28th of this month and I have immense trust in the new chair of corporate services, Jo McNally, to work with myself, the corporate services directorate and the council team to ensure we tackle the key issues that are so important to the community,” Cr Blundell said.
“We start by sorting out this year’s budget and begin a full review for the following year,” he said.
An invigorated lobbying policy is also one of the new Mayor’s campaign platforms.
“Last week I attended the Opening of Parliament as a guest of our local member and Minister for Health, Lawrence Springborg, and had the opportunity to meet with many of the new ministers.
“Our relationship with the new LNP Government will be instrumental in ensuring we can deliver improved efficiencies and services and I plan to spend a significant amount of time on George Street to build on these relationships.
“I am already impressed with the logical approach the new government is taking, however, it will take time for the state budget to be fixed, given the mess they were left with, so we will all have to tighten our belts and assess priorities in the meantime,” Cr Blundell said.