WIRAC end of year report

WIRAC's end of year report was received by council at the 27 January meeting.

By Emily-Rose Toohey

Warwick Indoor Recreation and Aquatic Centre’s (WIRAC) report was received at the recent Southern Downs Regional Council Ordinary Meeting on 27 January.

As part of the requirements of the contract between SDRC and the Brisbane YMCA for the management of WIRAC, there is an obligation that the Brisbane YMCA supply monthly reports relating to the operations of the facility.

The report details the visitation numbers to the facility, the capital works undertaken at the facility, and the types of programs delivered on behalf of the Southern Downs Regional Council for the November and December last year.

The report showed total of 16 394 visits in November and 7997 visits in December.

By the end of 2021, WIRAC’s total visitation was 134,308 compared to 140,787 total visits by the end of 2020.

The report stated that 2021 had been a challenging year with the new Group Fitness room being completed, renovations to the reception area, communications and electrical work upgrades, pool plant works, staff shortages, maintenance issues, and Covid-19.

A council spokesperson said council has contributed $560,200 this financial year towards replacing critical infrastructure at WIRAC.

The report outlined projects the centre has been undertaking in January 2022.

“Completion of reception works, installation of last two gym equipment pieces, staff recruitment, staff training, holiday programs, and the start of the 48 week LTS program,” the report said.

Council received the monthly report and the motion was carried.

It was moved by Cr Ross Bartley and seconded by Cr Stephen Tancred.