We’re all accountable

The powerful and influential US president and the NZ prime minister have recently come out in favour of same-sex marriage. No doubt their publicised opinions will also influence some to adopt this so-called up-to-date and tolerant attitude.
However, it should not be forgotten that we will all stand before our Almighty Creator on Judgement Day and be held accountable for our words, deeds and influence on others. The loving God created Adam and Eve and united them in the bond of marriage which he created and ordained for mankind’s benefit and blessing (Gen. 1:26-28; 2:20-24). The welfare of society, families and children was most important.
Any sexual relationships outside this divinely ordered commitment are clearly condemned by the Creator in his Word the Bible (1 Cor.6:9, 10). On Judgement Day it won’t matter what presidents or prime ministers or premiers or pastors or priests think about marriage. What God commanded for our good concerning marriage will count finally – as recorded in his eternal Holy World.
We are only deceiving ourselves if we think we can with impunity disobey and rebel against our Holy God – doing our own thing and going our own way. But the gospel of Jesus Christ offers us sinners forgiveness and new life if we will repent of our many sinful ways and turn to God for salvation and eternal life.
God’s way is always best and results in true fulfilment and untold blessing.

Peter Wiggins