Concerns over Killarney UDF delay

By Dominique Tassell

Southern Downs Regional Council extended the timeframe for the completion of the Killarney Urban Design Framework (UDF) at last week’s meeting.

The deadline has now been changed from the end of the 2021/2022 financial year to the end of the calendar year.

The motion was moved by Cr Stephen Tancred and seconded by Cr Ross Bartley.

Cr Jo McNally raised concerns in the meeting about Killarney missing out on the planning scheme as a result of this extension.

A staff member confirmed they will probably miss out on the UDF having direct input in the draft, but will not miss out on having input in the final document.

Cr Marco Gliori stated that Shaping Southern Downs want progress updates for their next meeting.

Cr Sheryl Windle inquired about whether this delay would be properly publicised, to which Cr Bartley stated that a Connecting with Council meeting would be held in Killarney in coming weeks where it could be discussed.

A council spokesperson confirmed the Killarney session will be held be on 2 March at Killarney & District Senior Citizens.

Cr Tancred stated that he supported the extension, because “if we’re going to do something we want to do it well”.

He further stated that Gorge Road is getting funding, and the delay will mean this project is done properly.

SDRC chief executive, Dave Burges, stated after the meeting that the delay on the UDF would not have a negative impact on the planning scheme as it would be easy to add in that information before the final document was approved.

It was also stated that while the UDF process will not inform the draft of the scheme, a town planning meeting was held in Killarney on 4 November which will inform the draft.