March for justice this weekend

A photo from last year's March For Justice. Image: File.

A March for Justice will be held Sunday 27 February in Warwick.

The gathering will occur at the Leslie Park Rotunda from 4 pm.

The event is part of a National Day of Action designed to show solidarity and end gendered violence by working together to achieve justice, equality and respect.

Women’s Advocacy and Action Team (WAAT) stated that “the March for Justice held on 15 March 2021 was a monumental national event which made our Federal Government sit up and listen, sadly since that time very little action has occurred”.

“This has been mirrored in our region, hence the desire to have a follow up gathering and lobby for desperately needed local services.”

The gathering will advocate for action on local needs and service gaps.

Promotional material for the event states that “this gathering is part of the M4J2 National Day of Action and is our opportunity to show those in power that we won’t be silenced about gendered violence”.

“We want ACTION – not meaningless announcements.”

Attendees are asked to bring or wear:

• Black clothing to mourn the women and children lost to gendered violence and sexual assault.

• Your most creative signs, placards, banners

• Mask, hand sanitiser – please social distance

• Water bottle, hat, picnic rug/chairs

• Teal ribbons will be provided (MJ4 symbol)