Upcoming regenerative ag event

Soils For Life is taking place at Junabee Hall on 4 March at 6pm.

By Emily-Rose Toohey

Soils For Life, a regenerative agriculture function, is taking place at Junabee Hall on 4 March at 6pm.

With a panel of experienced farmers and guest speakers, the event will be a discussion and information session about the role of healthy soils in creating resilient farms and families.

Soils For Life committee member Chris Rubie said the purpose of these discussions is to get a foothold on regenerative agriculture in the Southern Downs and to ensure the viability of farms.

“It’s to learn more about soil and therefore maximise production – regenerative farming reduces the use and dependence on expensive poisons,” Chris said.

“Healthier soil, animals, and crops means healthier humans.”

Other topics the function will cover include regenerative agriculture improving the profitability, production, farm sustainability, drought resilience, and wellbeing of regional farms.

Bookings are essential as numbers are limited – RSVP before Monday 28 February.

Contact Chris Rubie on 0497 094 179 or email chris@sovereignpolldorsets.com.au for more information.