Inspired by nature and the life cycle

Tiptoe across the dewy grass - from The Butterfly Tree.

Warwick Art Gallery has swung straight into action in the New Year, installing two new exhibitions that are already getting fabulous feedback.

Brisbane-based multimedia artist Svenja’s Algalrhythms – Life Movements, and Terese Eglington’s The Butterfly Tree – the Author and the Artist, are vastly different exhibitions in technique, yet both provide the viewer with an escape from the challenges of the current global situation.

In December 2019, textile artist Svenja completed an artist residency at King Island. She spent five weeks wandering the shores of King Island and started developing a body of work inspired by the wealth of kelp in varying stages of colourful decay on the shores; the skeletons of birds ripped from the skies, the bones of wallabies, and the carapaces of sea life littering the island.

Svenja talks about feeling dismayed about the world when she arrived on King Island.

“I already felt quite despondent about the apocalyptic events dominating the world news.

“It had been a year of Trump, #metoo, Greta Thunberg, endless gun violence, war, and terrorism, culminating in the epic fires burning in Australia.

“Interestingly, what I found on the shores of King Island reflected this theme in some ways.

“My thoughts regarding death and decay and the fragility of life, found substance in the objects I found – they all had a beauty – and a stillness – to them that calmed me.”

The enthralling works in Algalrhythms – Life Movements explore the beauty of tragedy, using the many textile techniques Svenja has used in the past decade making wearable art works – most of them biologically inspired.

Dyeing is often a starting point, followed by free-motion embroidery, shibori shaping, needle and wet felting, and leather moulding.

New media such as 3D pen printing and digital sublimation printing add to the hypnotic complexity of the works.

Combining a love for painting and an interest in poetry and writing, Toowoomba artist Terese Eglington has written, illustrated and published six children’s books, her most recent being The Butterfly Tree.

Her exhibition, The Butterfly Tree – the Author and the Artist, features some of the original illustrations from the book and several mixed media paintings that are guaranteed to lift everyone’s spirits.

As a science teacher Terese has incorporated botanical sketches and acrylic paintings in her books.

She is passionate about her stories having a lesson or key understanding usually based on nature.

“By doing this, I hope to encourage children to try different art forms, be observant of nature and the world around them, and be patient in their artwork”, says Terese.

“The characters learn from their experiences and having a positive influence on others.

“Books are a great way to help children develop their moral character and gain an understanding of how to cope with problems they may encounter.”

Terese Eglington’s collection of children’s books are for sale in the Gallery Shop.

Terese will also be at the Gallery every Saturday during her exhibition to read and share her stories.

Ring the Gallery to confirm this on 07 4661 0434.

Warwick Art Gallery is free to enter.

It is open Tuesday to Saturday, 10am to 4pm.

Algalrhythms – Life Movements is on from 6 January to 12 February.

The Butterfly Tree – the Author and the Artist is on 19 January to 26 February.