2021 high achieving graduates

Stanthorpe State High School 2021 Dux Award winner, Arwen Keith.

On Friday 11 February 2022, Stanthorpe State High School presented Arwen Keith with the Stanthorpe State High School 2021 Dux Award.

Arwen achieved the award by obtaining an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) of 99.55 out of a possible 99.95.

This placed Arwen in approximately the top 1 per cent of all Queensland students who received an ATAR in 2021.

Arwen will be recognised by the Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA) with a Certificate of Academic Commendation for gaining a final result of ‘A’ in her six senior subjects, along with a Subject Achievement Commendation for her perfect result in the English & Literature Extension Subject.

Arwen said she enjoyed her time at Stanthorpe State High School and appreciated the amazing teachers who supported her during her studies.

“Taking on leadership positions in senior years allowed me to pursue social justice work and community engagement activities,” Arwen said.

“Furthermore, I benefited from the extracurricular and academic opportunities to challenge and extend myself”.

Arwen will be studying a Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Law (Honours) at the University of Queensland.

Her current ambition is to work at the intersection of science and law in a policymaking or political career to design and implement policies that address contemporary global issues.

The Dux award presentation in February occurred in front of a small audience which included 2022 Stanthorpe State High School seniors who have are striving to obtain a very high ATAR.

Arwen shared some of her thoughts and techniques with the group regarding how she approached her senior year.

Stanthorpe State High School is proud of Arwen and the entire 2021 graduating cohort, with 97.5 per cent Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) obtainment, many successful vocational qualifications, apprenticeships, and students following a range of university pathways.

Stanthorpe State High School principal Justin Kuskie said he is looking forward to hearing about the 2021 graduates moving out into the world and making a difference, in very wide reaching areas and varied fields – both practical and academic.

“Each senior cohort has its own personality, and is brilliant and fantastic in their own way,” Mr Kuskie said.

In addition to Arwen’s exceptional result, there were four other 2021 seniors who earned an ATAR above 91.5.

Congratulations to:


Travis Murphy: 96.75 ATAR

Bachelor of Engineering Honours (majoring in Civil)at the University of New South Wales, and the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) Officer Cadet Training.


Asher Sweet: 94.85 ATAR

Bachelor of Computer Science and Masters in Cyber Security at the University of Queensland.


Sianna Green: 91.7 ATAR

Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery at James Cook University.


Emma Morison: 91.55 ATAR

Bachelor of Arts at the University of Queensland.