The yobo yeti

The Americans call him Bigfoot (Footprints and excreta found relatively recently in the US), our Aborigines talk of The Bunyip Man and the Himalayan peoples refer to the 2-legged wild hairy human-like devouring beast as – the Yeti.
Both Bigfoot and The Yeti favour cold climate mountain areas (like Stanthorpe?).
Would it be possible for Ian McCoy (Yeti’s back 17/05/12) to take a photo of his backyard hairy intruder next time he calls to threaten (or devour), the animals …..or himself. He (“it”) must have been gruesome for animals to cower the next day!
Why would a Yobbo Yeti be interested in your car?
Hope you will keep us informed Ian.
I looked all over Kathmandu whilst staying at the Yuk and Yeti Hotel in 1983, a poor and unsuccessful search found no abominable Yeti (only a distressed elephant who refused to eat for a week because it had accidentally sat on its keeper).
Meanwhile, think I’ll lock up my doggies at night and pull out the camera – at the ready for a 2-legged hairy monster!

Moya Cahill