On the pulpit

Here we go again, lectures from the bible belt of Warwick.
If god made man as you believe, then he also made homosexuals. If god controls everything as you believe, he has allowed these so called sinners to survive for as long as man has been on earth. Doesn’t that make you wonder why?
Being gay is not only in the human species but also in the animal species, funny how the animals don’t JUDGE each other but accept this as normal.
There are many reasons why a person is a gay, but mostly it is genetic or more accurately faulty genetics.
We as a species have taken the natural selection of good genes out of the equation and allowed all to live and breed, so the gene pool has been diluted, and the population has exploded to the point of starvation for so many. As a consequence we have more faulty genes in our society. But think about this: gay people don’t breed so therefore most gay people come from normal (often very religious) families. I hope you Mr. Wiggins never have a childborn into your family, who is gay, but then you probably won’t know about it or you will make that person an outcast.
I have personally watched three young people in my family who were very different from their siblings as young as toddlers and even at that tender young age, we knew they would eventually recognise that they were gay. It is not a choice for most people; they can hide it, deny it, feel ashamed of their natural preferences, and live a sad lonely life. Thank goodness, not godness, for our understanding society of today.
Maybe the proliferation of gay people in our society is nature’s way of cutting back the breeding and therefore the population. As I said, most don’t breed.
What harm does it do to allow them to marry? They are going to be gay whether they are married or not! Why shouldn’t they share a bit of paper that says they are a couple, and have legal rights like everyone else, and a commitment to each other. Go gays, hold your heads high and fight for your place in this world!

Leonie Miller