Councillor Sheryl Windle

Sheryl Windle has been a councillor at Southern Downs Regional Council since 2016 and is currently in her sixth year on council.

Prior to becoming a councillor, she gained valuable experience as a partner in a family business for 25 years.

“I also gained further experience in retail work, office manager, and, property manager in local businesses here in Warwick, ” she said.

Along with her working life, she raised four sons and was heavily involved as a volunteer at their schools and sporting organisations.

Cr Windle said she first became interested in local government in the early 1990s but was not in a position to run for council at that time, as her priority was raising her children and continuing in her role as a partner in her family business.

“My interest in local government never waned and with encouragement from my family, I decided it was time to pursue the challenge and embark on representing the community,” she said.

Cr Windle said she is passionate about “the whole Southern Downs”.

“It’s people and its future, although my real passion lies within the uniqueness of our villages and small towns.”

“I see the potential for this region and I recognise the possibilities for tourism, business development and growth,” she said. “We live in a very diverse region and are fortunate to have so much to offer visitors who choose to visit and explore what we can offer.”

“I am both proud and passionate about living here.”

When asked how important she thinks representation and having diverse voices is in council, Cr Windle said “it will always be important to have a mix of both male and female representation on council”.

“Councillors should be elected to represent the whole region for the right reasons, with integrity, and, be committed to the role.

“Having diverse voices should mean that every Councillor, female or male, is given an opportunity to be heard in a respectful manner, and should also be provided with a working environment that is inclusive.”