Livestock markets update


Livestock agent ROSS ELLIS of McDougall and Sons brings us an update on the local lamb and cattle markets from last week…

Cattle and Sheep & Lamb numbers were not too far apart as 1212 head met the market for the cattle sale , whilst 1302 head of Sheep & Lambs were presented for the Sheep sale.

Pigs were a slower article with only 23 head being presented for sale, Poultry was consistently represented with many lines of poultry available. The markets were firm to a shade easier with only condition and presentation affecting any outcomes. Good light stock for feed on and back to the paddock were still keenly sought after.

Cattle numbers

Vealer steers averaged 670.1kg topping at 732.2c/kg or $1652.20 to $2184.67

Vealer heifers averaged 609.2c/kg topping at 750.2c/kg or $1613.76 to $2142.00

Feeder steers averaged 560.2c/kg topping at 660.2c/kg or $2304.58 to $3052.00

Feeder heifers averaged 476.9c/kg topping at 560.2c/kg or $1660.53 to $2133.00

Yearling steers averaged 607c/kg topping at 714.2c/kg or $1973.98 to $2501.47

Yearling heifers averaged 558c/kg topping at 598.2c/kg or $1746.44 to $2136.40

Steers averaged 454.6c/kg topping at 598.2c/kg or $2659.09 to $3441.00

Heifers averaged 400.7c/kg topping at 528.2c/kg or $1935.05 to $2982.00

Manufacturing steers averaged 367.1c/kg topping at 420.2c/kg or $2316.14 to $3256.55

Cows averaged 353c/kg topping at 393.2c/kg or $2059.17 to $3072.85

Bulls averaged 363.5c/kg topping at 592.2c/kg or $2322.89 to $4643.55

Sheep and lamb numbers

Lambs topped at $231 to average $152.18 $7/head down

Hoggets topped at $196 to average $162.57 $6/head down

Ewes topped at $185 to average $117.09 $2/head down

Wethers topped at $178 to average $143.36 a rise of $21/head

Lamb rams topped at $640 to average $178.47 a rise of $55/head

The total sheep and lamb yarding was down $1/head on last week.

Pig and poultry numbers

Boars sold from $78 to $160, Sows to $315, Pork from $126 to $185, stores from $ 64 to $181

Guinea fowl sold to $50, Quails to $22.50, Hens to $17.50, Pullets to $37.50, Roosters to $12.50, Ducks to $35, Drakes to $25

McDougall and Sons sheep and lamb report

The numbers were back as Agents yarded 1302 head for the weekly sale.

The yarding was an 80/20split between lambs and mutton.

The lamb job was firm for the heavier lambs and hoggets and easier for the mutton with one major processor not operating for mutton.

The yarding was again drawn from South West, Tenterfield , local areas making up the balance. Lambs topped at $231 to average

$152.18($7down), hoggets topped at $196 to average $162.57($6down), ewes topped at $185 to average $117.09($2down),wethers topped at $178 to average $143.36($21up), lamb rams topped at $640 to average $178.47($55up). The total yarding averaged $145.37 down $1.20/head on last week.

The highlight was the sale of a very good type Dorper ram lamb selling for $640 much to the delight of his owners.

• Phil & Gabe Byrnes sold Dorper wether lambs 48.6kg to GR Prime for $207, ewe lambs 43.9kg to restockers for $194, ewes to restockers for $182

• David Fletcher sold Dorper wethers to Eversons for $178

• Angle C P/S sold Merino wethers with a quarter wool skin to Eversons for $148, $136 and $104, rams for $48

• Frank Goodwin sold Dorper lambs 60kg to Thomas Foods for $229

• Ralph Snars sold Dorper lambs 53.75kg to Thomas Foods for $215

• Robert Goldsmith sold Dorper x lambs 47kg to Tonys Supa Meats for $207

• Martin Roberts sold Xbred lambs 47.6kg to Thomas Foods for $197, Dorper x lambs 49.1kg to Ashtons Butchery for $208, 43.5kg to GR Prime for $193

• Robinson & Elder sold Dorper x lambs 54.5kg to Thomas Foods for $211, 43kg to Young meats for $192,

• 54.5kg hoggets to Eversons for $192, 54.5kg ram lambs to Thomas Foods for $201