Marriage is sacred

Leonie Miller’s comments with regards to homosexuality and the Bible are misinformed and unobservant to say the least. She erroneously claims that God made homosexuals and allows such on the basis that they exist in the first place and that this behaviour is genetic. Facts and observation prove her incorrect. Homosexuality is clearly a lifestyle choice, even with negative treatment meted out as a result. It is well known human behaviour to soak up punishment for notoriety or in order to escape mediocrity. The temporary nature of homosexual behaviour was demonstrated by studies conducted recently in the United States that showed that most teenagers claiming to be homosexual had become completely heterosexual by their early twenties. Its changeable nature is easily seen in the fact that many previously homosexual people, upon handing their lives over to Jesus Christ, have no further desire to express themselves in this manner. Additionally, its fluid nature was demonstrated personally to me by two individuals who lived completely heterosexual lives and decided on homosexuality at a certain point. One lost a loved partner in a wasteful accident and the other brought up two children to adulthood and then suffered a marital breakdown before the change. Were they blaming God? Possibly. People often blame God for their misfortunes without first inviting Him into their lives.
The Old and New Testaments clearly teach that mankind is born in rebellion to God and homosexual behaviour is one of the forms of this rebellion which contradicts God’s obvious and observable purpose for males and females. Incidentally, animals only conduct same-sex behaviour when there is a lack of the opposite sex or as a form of dominance (often observed in dog behaviour).
Finally the problem with allowing a simple piece of paper to recognise homosexual marriage is that it destroys heterosexual marriage as the pillar and reason for our society’s very existence, which then becomes one of many choices defined as marriage, and will create an unstoppable slide allowing any form of relationship to be recognised as legitimate, such as people and animals, with opposition no longer permitted on the grounds of discrimination. History proves that humanity has and still does desire these extremes.

Jamie Bath
Mount Tabor