Livestock markets update

Livestock agent ROSS ELLIS of McDougall and Sons brings us an update on the local lamb and cattle markets from last week…

The markets this week as in much of our livestock catchment areas were affected by the rain events.

Many vendors were unable to transport stock and many roads were only going to be damaged if they attempted.

The numbers that got to the yards saw 221 head of cattle meet a market that was still firm even with the absence of the major export buyers.

The local processors and feed on as well as back to the paddock saw the market very similar for most categories.

Cattle numbers

Vealer steers averaged 686c/kg topping at 800.2c/kg or $1840.57 to $2380.00

Vealer heifers averaged 607.8c/kg topping at 740.2c/kg or $1545.82 to $1878.35

Feeder steers averaged 568.2c/kg topping at 626.2c/kg or $2310.72 to $2915.93

Feeder heifers averaged 537.6c/kg topping at 588.2c/kg or $2001.62 to $2312.27

Yearling steers averaged 543.1c/kg topping at 680c/kg or $1819.28 to $2618.00

Yearling heifers averaged 514.1c/kg topping at 590.2c/kg or $1797.52 to $2296.82

Steers averaged 473c/kg topping at 548c/kg or $2481.78 to $3096.20

Heifers averaged 394.5c/kg topping at 500c/kg or $1911.75 to $3016.50

Manufacturing steers averaged 438.2c/kg and made $1270.78

Cows averaged 347.8c/kg topping at 380c/kg or $2027.26 to $2584.00

Bulls averaged 377.6c/kg topping at 580.2c/kg or $2004.70 to $3750.12

Sheep and lamb numbers

Sheep and Lamb numbers also felt the brunt of the weather as numbers saw only 448 head meet the market .

Lambs topped at $216 to average $177.95 a rise of $25 week on week

Hoggets topped at 171 to average $168.86 a rise of $6 week on week

Ewes topped at $172 to average $128.96 a rise of $11 week on week

Wethers topped at $165 to average $163.75 a rise of $20 week on week

Lamb rams topped at $165 to average $134.42 a drop of $44 week on week

The sale average of $165.59 was an increase of $20/head week on week.

Pig and poultry numbers

Pork numbers were non-existent with sows selling to $170, goats sold from $175 to $190, Ducklings sold to $40, guinea fowl to $25, roosters to $20, hens to $20

McDougall and Sons sheep and lamb report

Rain deterred the inflow of numbers for the weekly sale, but the values were still there for the vendors that delivered their stock.

Only a total of 447 head made the trip and saw Lambs top at $216 to average $177.95 ($25up), hoggets topped at $171 to average $168.86 ($6up), ewes topped at $172 to average $128.96 ($11up), wethers topped at $165 to average $163.75 ($20up), lamb rams topped at $165 to average $134.42 ($44down).

The sale average of $165.59 was an increase of $20/head over the last sale.

• Tom & Tracie Cooper sold Dorset x lambs 47.1kg to GR Prime for $200

• Jon & Regina Henry sold Dorper x lambs 46.6kg to restockers for $187, 45kg to Leslie Lamb for $194

• Millenium Pastoral sold Dorset ram lambs, 50kg shorn to GR Prime for $146, woolly 50kg to restockers for $156, 38.7kg and 32.5kg shorn to Whites Trading for $122 and $98

• David Fletcher sold Dorper x 40kg lambs to Leslie Lamb for $170, 60kg 4th to restockers for $160

• Warwick State High School sold Texcel ewes to restockers for $172

• Wilmor P/S sold 30kg sucker Dorper x lambs to GR Prime for $102