Men’s Sheds raising money for a cause

Warwick and Allora Men's Shed groups.

By Emily-Rose Toohey

Members of the Warwick and Allora Men’s Sheds gathered to raise funds for the Cancer Council Queensland last Friday.

Warwick Men’s Shed president Jeff Harth said $210 was raised as members looked at local Alan Saunders’ wide ranging carriage, coach, and history collection.

“Alan’s very knowledgeable and he has a passion for it, as seen with his very extensive collection,” Jeff said.

“Items brought back a lot of memories as a child, it’s just incredible.”

Alan said he has been collecting for over 15 years and first became interested in the different coach builders.

“There’s been some beautiful products over the years, and sometimes some of those come up for sale or auction,” Alan said.

“My mother used to tell me stories about when she was growing up and she drove her siblings to school in a sulky, so when I got the chance to buy one, it started from there.

“We tend to think of the coaches as pretty pre-historic, but the coach builders were pretty clever with what they came up with.”

Alan said he has hosted gathering’s like the Men’s Shed event in the past with the same purpose: to raise money.

“I never do a money raiser for myself, the money always goes to the Cancer Council of Queensland,” he said.

“I have been doing this on occasion since I opened the shed.”

Cancer Council Queensland spokesperson Bruce Mauch received the cheque on Friday and said every donation counts.

“The money raised goes to education, support, and research,” Bruce said.