Fun at the zoo

By Allora Photography Group

On Saturday 12 March, members of the Allora Photography Group descended upon the Darling Down Zoo.

Our April Meeting topic is ‘Wildlife’, so what better place to find some animals that we wouldn’t normally see in the area.

Steve and Stephanie and their wonderful staff made us all feel extremely welcome and were very helpful and informative during our wanderings.

To see so many different types of animals, from so many different parts of the world in our own backyard was quite amazing and most were only too happy to pose for a group of eager photographers.

I know the lions and tigers were of great interest, but I don’t think any of our members could truly pick a favourite from the weird, the wonderful and the cute.

They all had a personality and cheekiness that left you wanting more and we hope our photos have done them all justice.

Thank you, Steve, Stephanie and staff for a wonderful day and we hope to see you again one day.