Sign of the times

The article describing the decommissioning of the Dalveen Uniting Church (SFT, 21-06-12, p.7) due to, “insufficient numbers to maintain regular services for some years…and… as is evident in small communities”, in reality reflects a general social trend in western countries globally, not just small communities in Australia.
Major cities in Australia and elsewhere are experiencing the same problem. I believe there is a simple reason for this trend: denominational churches have compromised the Bible as God’s inspired truth.
The drive to go the way of the world, in order to attract the world, ie, fill more seats and therefore receive more money, has resulted in Christians, ie, real believers, leaving and the world not wanting what was left over anyway. God’s revealed word ie, the Bible, does not change, fashions and trends do, and will keep on changing.
It is interesting to note in the article that the Dalveen Church was built in 1955 on donated land, by volunteer labour and with materials supplied. It’s hard to imagine such an event in 2012, where even gaining council approvals for the construction of a church building are financially crushing, and that’s just the car park, let alone the sewerage requirements etc. Trends and attitudes have certainly changed!

Jamie Bath
Mount Tabor