Return the Yeti child

I didn’t think I would be writing about this again, but something has come up. There have been a lot of yeti sightings near The Summit, Stanthorpe, Glen Aplin, Lismore, Liston, Casino and more. It has come to my attention that someone has captured a very young yeti and is keeping it hostage. It appears that the yeti community is looking all over for this little one. I hope the kidnappers will release the baby yeti where they captured it. I suspect the Animal Planet TV crew knows something too, otherwise, they wouldn’t be so sure they have found a new species.
I have seen yeti around Stanthope many times, and they are peaceful and civil. But, yesterday, something very disturbing happened on my property. It must have been a community of yeti feasting on the large eastern greys that frequent my property. I love those kangaroos and watch them graze every day. They, and the yeti, have got along well on my property for many years.
I hadn’t seen the family of roos for several days, so I searched the property, and to my horror, I found a disgusting camp site.
It seems a family of yeti were coming on my property. There were large, medium and small prints all together. Yesterday, (23/06/2012), I found the remains of three or four roos, recently killed and eaten raw. The bones were stripped clean. One of them was a big buck, and one of its femurs was snapped in two. Bones were strewn around. I’ve never seen anything like this before. I don’t know anything that could eat a whole eastern grey, let alone several of them, raw.
Please, whoever kidnapped the little yeti, release it before there is real trouble for everyone. It is not right to steal someone’s child, no matter how different they look to humans.

S G Thomas