Carbon tax debate

In the first days of March there was spirited debate in Parliament regarding the carbon tax that PM Julia said, during last year’s election campaign and backed up by Wayne Swan, “there will be no carbon tax by a government that I will lead”.
Critics of the carbon tax are coming out of the wood work all over the place. The topic has concentrated the minds of callers to talk back radio and Tony Windsor reckons that he has had death threats over the issue. Critics are saying that the tax will destroy industry and make the cost of just about everything go through the roof.
If we have to reduce the carbon in the nation and if PM Julia thinks that a carbon tax is the way to achieve that “noble” objective, I have a better idea. The government should nationalise every industry in the country and take over the running of every factory and every transport company and all other enterprises that turn a dollar. When this has been done, then the government can decide how much industry will be allowed to produce and contribute to the sum total of carbon in the atmosphere. By this means we will be spared the need for a carbon tax and the saving of the planet can then become the direct responsibility of the government led by our astute PM Julia.

Jay Nauss,
Glen Aplin