Livestock markets update

Livestock agent ROSS ELLIS of McDougall and Sons brings us an update on the local lamb and cattle markets from last week…

Cattle numbers were slightly up for Warwick Selling Agents this week with 611 head meeting a market that was firm for most types with the light feed on and back to the paddock or breeders still firm to dearer.

Sheep and Lamb numbers fell to 865 head with the buying trends following the cattle parameters with some astounding results seen in the ram lamb section as well as ewe & lamb units and replacement ewes.

Pig numbers were back but poultry numbers still continue to fill the section at the Pig & Calf sale.

Cattle numbers

Vealer steers averaged 600.6c/kg topping at 722.2c/kg or $1502.32 to $1915.44

Vealer heifers averaged 563.2c/kg topping at 690.2c/kg or $1329.47 to $1693.89

Feeder steers averaged 526.7c/kg topping at 630c/kg or $2100.44 to $2481.46

Feeder heifers averaged 450c/kg selling from $1518.75 to $1597.50

Yearling steers averaged 595.1c/kg topping at 692.2c/kg or $1974.16 to $2510.74

Yearling heifers averaged 560.2c/kg topping at 612.2c/kg or $2027.78 to $2448.80

Steers averaged 500c/kg to 560c/kg or $2265.20 to $2675.00

Heifers averaged 410.2c/kg topping at 498.2c/kg or $2196.06 to $2518.44

Cows averaged 326c/kg topping at 378.2c/kg or $1838.25 to $3139.06

Bulls averaged 420.9c/kg topping at 608.2c/kg or $1801.39 to $3759.12

Sheep and lamb numbers

Sheep and lamb numbers saw the restockers come to the fore looking for replacement ewes and also replacement rams this saw some very firm competition for the available lots.

Lambs topped at $226 to average $187.94 an increase of $23/head week on week

Hoggets topped at $234 to average $196.63 an increase of $36/head week on week

Ewes topped at $220 to average $115.10 an increase of $18/head week on week

Wethers topped at $185 to average $163 a drop of $5/head week on week

Rams topped at $360 to average $208.88 an increase of $20/head week on week

Ram lambs topped at $510 to average $357.35 an increase of $199/ head week on week

Ewe lambs topped at $212 to average $204.35 an increase of $30/head week on week

Ewe & Lamb units topped at $370 to average $237.20

Pig and poultry numbers

Goats sold from $70 to $195, Sows sold to $200, Porkers from $187 to $193, Stores from $61 to $178, Roosters sold to $30, Hens to $47.50, Drakes to $35, Ducks to $27.50

McDougall and Sons sheep and lamb report

A smaller than expected yarding of 865 head was presented to the selling panel by the Agents for the weekly sale.

The market was firm to dearer with some categories up as high as we have seen.

The processing platform was undermined by the lower numbers but the local processors and the restockers were in full flight.

Lambs topped at $226 to average $187.94 ($23up), hoggets topped at $234 to average $196.63 ($36up), ewes topped at $220 to average $115.10 ($18up), wethers topped at $185 to average $163 ($5down), rams topped at $360 to average $208.88 ($20up), lamb rams topped at $510 to average $357.35 ($199up), ewe lambs topped at $212 to average $204.35 ($30up).

The total sale averaged $185.32 per head a jump of $31 per head on last week.

• Muirlawn P/L sold 1st x lambs 48kg to Eversons & Leslie Lamb for $193, 45.3kg to GR Prime for $188.50

• Neville Baldock sold Dorper ram lambs 65.6kg to restockers for $510, ewes to restockers for $220 and Eversons for $150

• Greg & Cassie Mc Gahan sold Dorper lambs 57.1kg to Eversons for $221, 51.2kg to GR Prime for $201

• Harrison & Faessler sold Dorper wether lambs 50and 45kg to Eversons for $200 and $192, 41.1kg to Highchester for $181, 38.9kg to Elliots Butchery for $168 Cooinda P/Ship sold Dorper x lambs 48.7kg to GR Prime for $191 and 47.5kg to Eversons for $186

• Antonio Family sold 1st x White Suffolk lambs 36.5kg to Highchester for $139, 33.4kg to Whites Trading for $120, hoggets 71.8kg to Eversons for $204 and $152, ewes to restockers for $190

• George Moore sold Dorper x lambs 60kg to Eversons for $226, 60kg hoggets to Eversons for $230, ewes to restockers for $210 and $190, ewes to Tonys Supa Meats for $168 and GR Prime for $100, ewe & lamb units to restockers for $260, rams to restockers for $360.

• Kayla Bowman sold Dorper x hoggets 50kg to Eversons for $185, 35kg ram lambs to restockers for $144, 35kg lambs to Whites Trading for $120

• Nielsen Family sold 1st x Dorset lambs 50kg to Eversons for $182, 51.6kg hoggets to Eversons for $190 Les Holton sold Dorper x hogget ewe & lamb units for $370 to restockers , ewes to restockers for $205, 60kg ram lamb to restockers for $400, 40kg ram lamb to restockers for $190

• Jolatig Trust sold Border Leicester x ewe and lamb units to restockers for $230 and Dorset rams to Whites Trading for $140