Allora Streetscape

How can the Southern Downs Regional Council justify spending $50,000 just for designs after the recent rains and flooding?
Our area Allora needs fixing up. Take a look at our walkways and bikeways through the parks, they have not been touched as of yet.
We need a large mower stationed in town to keep the grass down.
We need a safety crossing (Zebra) so as people can walk safely across to and from the doctors.
Most if our shops have rain and shade protection ie, awnings. The verandah posts are mostly in good repair.
Re the Bush Christmas, we need a proper place in town for our Christmas tree. I suggest the centre of the road. It would then be used as a break for people on the new crossing to the doctors and return to gather their thoughts (breath) and also give the traffic a chance to either stop or go.
Also would you please put back the Forde Street and Warwick Street safety crossing (ie, Zebra). This was taken away last year. Yes the new crossing is very nice – Ho Hum costing $100,000-plus with nice instructions for the children, many of which are unable to see the high sign and as yet are unable to read these instruction. How long do they have to wait for the traffic to stop? That is the burning question. Will we run across or wait longer, children will be children.
If you sirs do nothing else in Allora, please put back our safety crossing for our dear children. We need and love every one of them.

Richard G Bird,
Concerned Allora Citizen