Livestock markets update

Livestock agent ROSS ELLIS of McDougall and Sons brings us an update on the local lamb and cattle markets from last week…

The threat of rain saw numbers come back for most livestock sales this week.

Agents yarded 533 head to the Cattle sale and 876 head to the Sheep & Lamb sale.

The markets were in line with other sale centres with the rate coming off the recent highs.

The stylish stock presented were the least affected with the price coming back due to presentation and finish.

Sheep & Lamb numbers were back also, particularly in the trade and export types with the yarding leaning to restockers and flock replacement buyers.

Cattle numbers

Vealer steers averaged 561.7c/kg topping at 620.2c/kg or $1362.62 to $1798.62

Vealer heifers averaged 513.9c/kg topping at 572.2c/kg or $1322.00 to $1800.00

Feeder steers averaged 521.6c/kg topping at 566.2c/kg or $2318.67 to $2506.04

Feeder heifers averaged 473c/kg topping at 538.2c/kg or $1689.42 to $2357.19

Yearling steers averaged 527.1c/kg topping at 640c/kg or $1770.84 to $2452.72

Yearling heifers averaged 488.6c/kg topping at 580.2c/kg or $1652.79 to $2819.25

Steers averaged 426.8c/kg topping at 510c/kg or $2198.63 to $3140.88

Heifers averaged 417c/kg topping at 510.2c/kg or $2066.28 to $3252.78

Cows averaged 337.9c/kg topping at 391.2c/kg or $1925.96 to $3064.75

Bulls averaged 352.6c/kg topping at 544.2c/kg or $2139.12 to $3660.21

Sheep and lamb numbers

Lambs topped at $237 to average $161.40 a drop of $26/head

Hoggets topped at $220 to average $213.05 a rise of $17/head

Ewes topped at 234 to average $120.91 a jump of $5/head

Wethers topped at $210 to average $190 a jump of $27/head

Rams topped at $270 to average $181.50 a drop of $27/head

Ewe & Lamb units topped at $295 to average $236.67 par on last sale

Lamb rams topped at $184 to average $143.54 a drop of $214/head

Ewe lambs topped at $230 to average $175.20 a drop of $29/head

Sale average of $161.98 was $24/head down on previous sale.

Pig and poultry numbers

Pig and Poultry numbers were also in short supply. Baconers sold to $98, Light Pork sold to $180, Stores sold from $31 to $170, Pork sold from $173 to $190. Roosters sold to $7.50, Hens sold to $6.00, Pullets sold to $20, Ducks sold to $12.50, Guinea Fowl sold to $17.50

McDougall and Sons sheep and lamb report

Agents today yarded a similar number to last week’s sale; the breakdown was very different with more store and feed on lambs as well as some ewe and lamb units.

The lambs topped at $237 to average $161.40 ($26down), hoggets topped at $220 to average $213.05 ($17up), ewes topped at $234 to average $120.91 ($5up), wethers topped at $210 to average $190 ($27up), rams topped at $270 to average $181.50 ($27down), ewe & lamb units topped at $295 to average $236.67 (par), lamb rams topped at $184 to average $143.54 ($214down), ewe lambs topped at $230 to average $175.20 ($29down).

The total yarding of 876 averaged $161.98 a drop of $24/head week on week.

• Ben & Toni-Lee Cooper sold 2nd x White Suffolk lambs 56.5kg to Ashtons Butchery for $228

• Tom & Tracie Cooper sold 1st x Dorset lambs 53kg to Grants Quality Meats for $214

• Turvey Family sold White Suffolk lambs 49.5kg to Ashtons for $196, 46.6kg to GR Prime for $169, 42.5kg to GR Prime for $160, 35.7kg to restockers for $80, 60kg lambs & ram lambs to Take It Easy meats for $182 and $184, Aussie White lambs 50kg to Ashtons Butchery for $220, ewes to Ashtons for $180

• John & Regina Henry sold 46.5kg Dorper lambs to Tonys Supa Meats & Grants Quality Meats for $200

• Phil & Gabe Byrnes sold Dorper lambs 41.3kg to Highchester Meats for $180, 42.5kg to Leslie Lamb for $180

• Von Souvlis sold Dorper x lambs 38.5kg to restockers for $135, 30kg to restockers for $123, 40kg ram lambs to Take It Easy Meats for $154, 37kg to restockers for $151, 35kg ram lambs to Whites Trading for $120, ram hoggets 65kg to restockers for $210,30kg ram lambs to restockers for $86

• Peter & Sue Brown sold Wiltipol ewes to restockers for $176, to GR Prime for $60, Damara x ram to Whites Trading for $150

• Stone Family Farming sold Dorper lambs 50kg to Ashtons Butchery for $237, 31.25kg wether lambs to restockers for $153, 56.7kg ewe lambs to restockers for $230, 34kg to restockers for $165, ewe hoggets 70kg to restockers for $234, 77kg rams to restockers for $270, wethers to Eversons for $210 and Whites Trading for $172, ewes to Eversons for $170 and $166, to restockers for $195. Ewe & Lamb units to restockers for $245, $255,$265, $285, $295