A lesson from the past

In the early eighties my husband took up a position in Auckland, New Zealand, so our family took up residence in Auckland for five years. What does this have to do with politics?
This is an observation from many years ago and it still sticks with me to this day and I am not a Labor voter.
At the time Robert Muldoon was Prime Minister of NZ. Approaching the election, Mr. Muldoon and the National Party of NZ started a smear campaign on David Lange who was standing against Mr. Muldoon. It was certainly gutter tactics.
In the meantime, David Lange stuck to his principles, ignored the smear campaign, and put forward his alternative policies. David Lange won that election hands down, even though it was thought that this would never happen.
I am sure most of the public are sick and tired of gutter politics – it doesn’t work! How about some positives? Put forward your policies and forget the slanderous attempt to ‘Get Rid of Rob’. You certainly can’t believe that you are impressing any clear thinking members of the public.
One other point I would like to make to all politicians at all levels of government, and this was the best advice I was ever given by a very prominent businessman and ex-councillor when elected to council in another town. Never get into slanging matches in the media. It just lowers the public’s opinion of you. Stand tall, be positive and do what is right; and gutter politics is NOT right!

Helen Crossley
Port Macquarie