Livestock markets update

Livestock agent ROSS ELLIS of McDougall and Sons brings us an update on the local lamb and cattle markets from last week…

Rain still hampers the availability of the livestock marketing for Agents and Vendors across the Southern Downs.

The cattle sale resumed after the weather forced the cancellation last week and the numbers were at 528head, Sheep & Lamb numbers were up, with Agents yarding 1230 head to the sale.

The stock presented for the sales are showing signs of being affected by the constant wet and lack of sunny days.

Good finished stock held firm across the board for most types and the lighter feed on and back to the paddock types were slightly back on recent sales.

Cattle numbers

Vealer steers averaged 589.6c/kg topping at 650c/kg or $1619.95 to $2057.05

Vealer heifers averaged 509.2c/kg topping at 600c/kg or $1309.20 to $1786.63

Feeder steers averaged 528c/kg topping at 631.2c/kg or $2100.81 to $2650.00

Feeder heifers averaged 522.4c/kg topping at 566.2c/kg or $1961.65 to $2242.23

Yearling steers averaged 535.6c/kg topping at 642.2c/kg or $1934.09 to $2715.44

Yearling heifers averaged 516.2c/kg topping at 602.2c/kg or $1467.82 to 2045.75

Steers averaged 410.5c/kg topping at 498.2c/kg or $2345.19 to $2915.19

Heifers averaged 398.8c/kg topping at 485.2c/kg or 2041.37 to $3314.7

Manufacturing steers averaged 382.3c/kg topping at 420.2c/kg or $2519.52 to $2888.88

Cows averaged 347.6c/kg topping at 390.2c/kg or $2023.41 to $3306.95

Bulls averaged 389.6c/kg topping at 682.2c/kg or $1788.02 to $3745.42

Sheep and lamb numbers

Lambs topped at $225 to average $142.11 a drop of $42/head week on week

Hoggets topped at $190 to average $174.29 a rise of $8/head week on week

Ewes topped at $204 to average $116.91 a rise of $18/head week on week

Wethers topped and averaged $170 a rise of $7/head week on week

Rams topped at $450 to average $266.33 a rise of $78/head week on week

Ewe lambs topped at $324 to average $240.18 a rise of $38/head week on week

Sale average was $148.59/head a fall of $33/head week on week.

Pig and poultry numbers

Sows sold from $194 to $342, Baconers sold to $130, Pork sold to $175, Store pigs from $70 to $159

Guinea Fowl sold to $17.50/lot, Roosters to $12.50, Hens to $25, Pullets to $20, Silkys to $16, Drakes to $27.50

McDougall and Sons sheep and lamb report

Agents today yarded a total of 1230 head for the weekly sale, the offering was a 60/40 split between lambs and mutton with the lambs predominantly in the light feed on categories.

This saw the trade lambs and butcher weight lambs firm but the average was down.

The numbers of the export and trade lambs and mutton available saw the main exporters lacking volume to operate.

Lambs today topped at $225 to average $142.11 ($42down), hoggets topped at $190 to average $174.29 ($8up), ewes topped at $204 to average $116.91 ($18up), wethers topped at $170 and averaged $170 a rise of $7, rams topped at $450 to average $266.33 ($78up), ewe & lamb units topped at $230 to average $202.73 ($40down), ewe lambs topped at $324 to average $240.18 ($38up).

The sale average of $148.59 was $33 down with the emphasis on the volume of light trade and number of Merino light lambs affecting the sale average.

• McLean Farms took a change of direction and sold a run of Black head Dorper ewe lambs in lamb for $324, $280, $265, $256, $250, $254 and $210 all purchased by restockers

• Gordon Donovan sold Xbred lambs in the wool 49.4kg to Ashtons for $193

• Michael Wright sold Aussie White wether lambs 57.5kg to Ashtons for $222

• Wissemann F/T sold 2nd x Dorset lambs 53.3kg to Ashtons for $196, 43.2kg to Shelley F/T for $158

• John Larkin sold Dorper x lambs 48kg to Ashtons for $214, 44kg to Highchester Meats for $189

• Phil Aldridge sold Dorper x lambs 40.8kg to GR Prime for $160, 35kg to Highchester Meats for $151, wethers to Take It Easy Meats for $170

• Evelyn Hughes sold Xbred lambs 40.8kg to GR Prime for $146, 37.1kg to Whites Trading for $126, 33.5kg to restockers for $111, ewes to restockers for $48

• Phillip & Julia Harpham sold Dorper x lambs 37.5kg to Highchester Meats for $156, 32.1kg to restockers for $133, ewe hoggets 52kg to restockers for $168, ewes to restockers for $138

• Gary O’Rourke sold Suffolk lambs 41.25kg to GR Prime for $150, 36 and 35kg to restockers for $141 and $131

• Jack & Sally Sloss sold Merino store wether lambs 35kg to GR Prime for $120, 32 & 33kg to restockers for $99 and $89, 33kg to GR Prime for $81, 29kg to restockers for $60. Merino ewes to restockers for $151& $146, to GR Prime for $136, $129, $78, xb ewe to Take It Easy Meats for $180

• Paul Mc Laughlin sold Dorper x ewes to GR Prime for $144, rams to restockers for $174