TeenStreet meets streets

The TeenStreet crew.
Not sure where the stormwater drain in your street is? Well hopefully it has now been made easier to spot.
As part of the ongoing “Love My River” initiative, Condamine Headwaters Landcare Group Inc engaged the volunteers of TeenStreet during their camp out at Leslie Dam to stencil the street drains with the Landcare and Love My River logos.
The 17 volunteers from TeenStreet took to the streets of Warwick with their paint brushes in hand to highlight the location of the stormwater drains, raising awareness to help reduce the impact of stormwater pollution on our local rivers.
Landcare support officer Angela Burrows said, “Many people aren’t aware that the water flowing down the stormwater drains travels to the Condamine River without any form of treatment. Now, hopefully, with the ongoing placement of signage, the Warwick community will become more aware that what goes down their drains affects both the health of the waterway and also those of the workers who need to go down the drains to fix the blockages caused by the hosing of leaves and dirt (and other unmentionables).”
Condamine Headwaters Landcare Group Inc offers the opportunity for schools and community groups to raise awareness of the health of the Condamine River by participating in the Love My River Drain Stencilling Program.
The program involves supervised groups stenciling stormwater drain lids with the logos.
Volunteers also undertake a letterbox drop in the area being stenciled, which not only raises awareness, but also lets you know what you can do to assist in the reduction of stormwater pollution.
Landcare would greatly appreciate your commitment to undertaking drain stenciling or letterbox dropping in your areas and all information and equipment shall be provided by Landcare, you just nominate the time and date.
More information can be found on the Landcare website at headwaters.ddrlandcare.org or by contacting the Landcare office on (07) 4661 9909.