In Brief

SDRC has released its 2022/23 Draft Budget for public consultation and is inviting the community to review and submit feedback.

Draft budget out for consultation

Southern Downs Regional Council (SDRC) has released its 2022/23 Draft Budget for public consultation and is inviting the community to review and submit feedback.

In a release, SDRC stated that “building on the groundwork of the previous budget, the 2022/23 budget reinforces a ‘no-frills’ approach to long-term financial sustainability to contain costs and maintain high levels of customer service whilst still investing in a significant capital works program of $46.1m as Council continues to address ageing infrastructure”.

Southern Downs Mayor Vic Pennisi said the draft supports a recovering community and is considerate to the increasing cost of living amid delivering essential services, with a minimal and reasonable rate rise to ratepayers.

It was announced that the draft budget was open for public consultation late on Friday afternoon, however the draft budget was not initially available online at the link provided.

It was initially stated that public consultation would be open until Friday 10 June at 5 pm, but it was later clarified that submissions would close two days later on Sunday 12 June at 5 pm.

The draft budget is now available at

Have your say on water restrictions

Do water restrictions influence your water use, liveability and business operations? Southern Downs Regional Council wants to hear from you.

Council is seeking feedback from urban and rural residents to help us better understand how water restrictions influence everyday household water usage in the house and garden for both residents and pets.

Residents, businesses and community groups are invited to provide feedback by Sunday 31 July 2022 through an anonymous survey containing 21 questions on water values, water uses and Council communication on water management, with the survey results to be used to guide the demand management section of the SDRC Drought Management Plan 2022.

Residents, businesses and community groups can have their say by completing an online survey at as well as upcoming face-to-face public consultations at selected venues across the region that will be announced shortly.

Connecting with Council breaks for the cold snap

SDRC Mayor Vic Pennisi has confirmed that Connecting with Council meetings will resume later this year around September or August.

He stated meetings are not normally held in winter months because of low attendance and costs of heating in village halls.