Livestock markets update

Livestock agent ROSS ELLIS of McDougall and Sons brings us an update on the local lamb and cattle markets from last week…

Rain and Farmfest saw the numbers tumble across the varied sales this week.

The cattle numbers were back to 611 head whilst sheep and lamb numbers saw 1539 head meet the market.

The lack of sufficient numbers across the categories saw the rates ease for some, with the better fresher back to the paddock or feed on types firm.

Cattle numbers

Vealer steers averaged 602.4c/kg topping at 720.2c/kg or $1428.09 to $2003.22

Vealer heifers averaged 573.8c/kg topping at 654.2c/kg or $1447.98 to $2061.47

Feeder steers averaged 518.6c/kg topping at 596.2c/kg or $2147.66 to $2626.56

Feeder heifers averaged 423.8c/kg topping at 520.2c/kg or $1524.41 to $1913.27

Yearling steers averaged 583c/kg topping at 661.2c/kg or $1887.96 to $2340.90

Yearling heifers averaged 486.9c/kg topping at 560.2c/kg or $1418.43 to $2141.02

Steers averaged 493.4c/kg topping at 588.2c/kg or $2340.15 to $2935.94

Heifers averaged 412.7c/kg topping at $478.2c/kg or $1517.22 to $2849.61

Manufacturing steers averaged 380c/kg or $2470/ head

Cows averaged 325.8c/kg topping at 385c/kg or $1881.71 to $2791.25

Bulls averaged 350.7c/kg topping at 418.2c/kg or $2197.95 to $2775.00

Sheep and lamb numbers

Lambs topped at $233 to average $178.13 up $34/head

Hoggets topped at $260 to average $158.58 down $11 /head

Ewes topped at $195 to average $134.83 up $36/ head

Wethers topped at $171 to average $162.35 up $17/head

Rams topped at $190 to average $118 $53/head down

Lamb Rams topped at $249 to average $204 $64/head up

Ewe Lambs topped at $212 to average $171.27 $3/head down

Sale totals saw the average of $169.65 a jump of $22/head week on week.

Pig and poultry numbers

Sows sold from $70 to $234, Light pork from $180 to $184, Porkers from $152 to $217, Stores from $20 to $183.

Roosters sold to $16/head, hens to $10/head, pullets to $20/head, Bantams to $10/head, Ducks to $10/head

McDougall and Sons sheep and lamb report

Agents today yarded a total of 1539 head to the weekly sale, the prices from the front to the end of dealing saw the vendors obtain similar rates no matter where they sold.

There were some good runs of trade and restocker lambs available with the market fully firm to a touch dearer.

Lambs topped at $233 to average $178.13 ($34up), hoggets topped at $260 to average $158.58 ($11down), ewes topped at $195 to average $134.83 ($36up), wethers topped at $171 to average $162.35 ($17up), rams topped at $190 to average $118 ($53down),lamb rams topped at $249 to average $204 ($64up), ewe lambs topped at $212 to average $171.27 ($3down).

The sale average of $169.65 /head saw an increase of $22/ head on last week’s sale.

• Lloyd Hulin sold Dorper x lambs 45kg and 30kg to restockers for $185 and $140, 41.6kg ewe lambs to restockers for $212

• Phillip Imhoff sold Dorper x lambs 52kg and 45kg to Eversons for $196 and $170 , wethers for $170 to Eversons

• Carel Rothman sold dorper x lambs 48.8kg to Eversons for $190

• Will Francisco sold Dorper lambs 47kg to JD Rural for $188, 34.16kg ewe lambs to JD Rural for $200

• Vermont Past Co sold 1st x Dorset lambs 60kg to Eversons for $170, 46.25kg to GR Prime for $165, 45.2kg to GR Prime for $184

• Colin Casbolt sold Dorper lambs 45.5kg to Eversons for $180

• Dayne & Michelle Barrett sold Dorper x lambs off grain 42kg to Highchester Meats for $180

• Ray Mascardri sold Suffolk x sucker lambs 44.1kg to Eversons for $178

• Ian Rolph sold 2nd x Dorset lambs 38.75kg to Nev Darr for $149, ewes to Eversons for $150

• Max Rathmell sold 43.75kg Dorper x lambs to restockers for $190, ewes hoggets 52.5kg to Eversons for $200, 4th ewes to JD Rural for $182, ewes to Eversons for $154, ewes to restockers for $146

• Hurley & Weiss sold Dorper ewes 4tooth to restockers for $194, ewes to JD Rural for $182 and $174, 42kg hoggets to Mark Palmer for $185

• Jack & Sally Sloss sold Merino ewes to GR Prime for $114 and $61, Merino Rams to restockers for $50, to Whites Trading for $160

• Cowlishaw F/T sold Merino hoggets 53.5kg to Eversons for $158, 62.5kg 4th wethers for $163 to Eversons for $163 and $140, ewes to Eversons for $140