Year 9 Waste Education – Southern Downs Regional Council and Envirocom

By The School of Total Education

The Year 9 Discovery Students had a visit by the Waste Education Team run by Envirocom and the SDRC. The workshops were held at the Discovery Centre. Our first activity was a waste audit, where we examined all the rubbish that had been thrown at the Discovery Centre in the past week. The results showed our top two categories going into landfill were Greenwaste (weeds, sticks, leaves) and Organic Waste (food scraps, kitchen waste etc). Third place was recyclable plastic and metal. So, to address the volume of greenwaste and organic food waste being thrown out, we decided to have a follow up workshop on managing a worm farm. We are also going to investigate a compost or mulching system to help minimise the Greenwaste being disposed through our wheelie bins.

The visiting team had a mobile (!) worm farm to show us, and generously donated some worms for us to get started, after we were shown how we can manage and revive the worm farm at the Discovery Centre. We look forward to being able to use the fertiliser from the warm farm on our wicking garden beds in our Discovery Challenge: Discovering the Real World!