Livestock markets update

Livestock agent ROSS ELLIS of McDougall and Sons brings us an update on the local lamb and cattle markets from last week…

Livestock agent ROSS ELLIS of McDougall and Sons brings us an update on the local lamb and cattle markets from last week…

Numbers were nearly the same for both cattle and sheep this week with the Agents and vendors combining to present over 1000 head for both ovine and bovine viewing.

The markets were on a par with previous weeks with both markets firm for most descriptions.

The better the quality and numbers saw the competitors vie to purchase.

This was a good result for vendors as both cattle and sheep and lamb markets were missing volume buyers this week.

Cattle numbers

Vealer steers averged 594.6c/kg to at 760.2c/kg or $1373.03 to $2217.22

Vealer heifers averaged 531.3c/kg to 640c/kg or $1203.68 to $1830.90

Feeder steers averaged 530.1c/kg to 616.2c/kg or $2186.35 to $2982.24

Feeder heifers averaged 475.4c/kg to 568.2c/kg or $1736.84 to $2184.00

Yearling steers averaged 559.2c/kg to 636.2c/kg or $1734.90 to $2234.38

Yearling heifers averaged 497.6c/kg to 552.2c/kg or $1439.35 to $1843.38

Steers averaged 433.3c/kg to 598.2c/kg or $$2421.89 to $3375.50

Heifers averaged 407.8c/kg to 488.2c/kg or $1957.67 to $2621.35

Cows averaged 326.1c/kg to 370c/kg or $1844.24 to $2857.75

Bulls averaged 354.2c/kg to 558.2c/kg or $2116.43 to $3400

Sheep and lamb numbers

Lambs topped at $238 to average $180.43 ($2/head up)

Hoggets topped at $228 to average $156.93 ($2/head up)

Ewes topped at $228 to average $116.48 ($18/head down)

Wethers topped at $230 to average $192.55 ($30/head up)

Rams topped at $390 to average $202.87 ($84/head up)

Lamb rams topped at $370 to average $173.38 ($21/head down)

Ewe lambs topped at $198 to average $173.08 ($2/head up)

The sale average of $167.73 / head was on a par with the previous sale.

Pig and poultry numbers

Sows sold from $80 to $325, Pork from $189 to $240, Stores from $40 to $171, Roosters to $20, Hens to $15, Pullets to $45, Drakes to $20, Ducklings to $20 and Quails to $15

McDougall and Sons sheep and lamb report

Agents today yarded 1285 head to a very strong buying panel looking for both back to the paddock, feed on and processing types.

Good stylish rams and ram lambs also were in good demand.

Lambs topped at $238 to average $180.42 ($2up), hoggets topped at $228 to average $156.93 ($2up), ewes topped at $228 to average $116.48 ($18down), wethers topped at $230 to average $192.55 ($30up), rams topped at $390 to average $202.27 ($84up), ewe and lamb units topped at $280 to average $218 ($78up), lamb rams topped at $370 to average $173.38 ($21down), ewe lambs topped at $198 to average

$173.08 ($2up).

The sale average of $167.73 was on a par with last week’s sale.

• Martin Roberts sold lambs 44.8kg to GR Prime for $165, 47kg to GR Prime for $186.50, 48kg to Tonys Supa Meats for $196, 39kg to Moniel Shan for $178, 35kg lambs to GR Prime for $172, 65kg hoggets to private purchase for $192 & $181, 45kg hoggets to Moniel Shan for $171.

• Dusty Campbell sold 58.7kg ewe hoggets to restockers for $228, 4tooth ewes to restockers for $228, 42.5kg lambs to Moniel Shan for $187, ewes to Thomas Foods for $180, 35kg ewe lambs to SD Rural for $194, ewe lambs 17.5kg to Mark Palmer for $140

• Phil & Gabe Byrnes sold Dorper ewe lambs 41.25 and 39.75kg to GR Prime for $182 and $181, wether lambs 43.3kg to DM Luck for $188, ewes to Whites Trading for $149

• Eric Watts & Robyn Gimm sold Dorset x lambs 60kg to Thomas Foods for $238, 46.25kg to Moniel Shan for $178, ewes to Thomas Foods for $180

• John Crombie sold shorn Merino hoggets 46.1kg to GR Prime for $140

• Gradenfloe Past Co sold shorn Merino wethers to Thomas Foods for $174

• Louise Campbell sold Dorper x ewes to Thomas Foods for $164

• Higgins Family sold Aussie White 4th wethers 73.3kg to Thomas Foods for $230

• Rory & Kathy Frost sold Dorper lambs 42.3kg to Moniel Shan for $201, 42.85kg to DM Luck for $199

• Kylee Simpson sold Dorper x lambs 56.6kg to Thomas Foods for $219, 40kg to Moniel Shan for $182, 62.5kg hoggets to Take It Easy Meats for $182, ewes to THomas Foods for $204, wethers to Thomas Foods for $200, rams to restockers for $180

• Les Holton sold Dorper ewe lambs 40kg to restockers for $198, ewes to restockers for $190and $180, ewe & lamb unit to restockers for $280