Letters to the editor

MAC Action at Council

Councillor Cynthia McDonald campaigned that she was “For Town and Country”. I’m not sure this is the case now she has been elected.

There have been two planning decisions where she has favoured the town over the country. Firstly, a dog breeder wanted to establish a business on land zoned Rural at Emu Vale. Cr McDonald opposed this because a lifestyle neighbour was concerned about noise. But Cr McDonald breeds cattle on her land zoned Rural. What’s the difference? The cows get eaten but the dogs go to good homes perhaps?

Secondly a developer wants to place a house at Dalcouth close to the boundary of a vegetable farmer on land zoned Rural. The developer just happens to be one of the other Councillors (Cr McNally and her husband Ian). The Council planning scheme says there should be a 60 meter buffer between farming and houses. The matter is heading to court but Cr McDonald has been vocal in wanting to let the developer place the house a lot closer to the fence so voted to not go to court. Thankfully the other Councillors have a gumption to preserve the planning scheme.

Another disappointment was when Cr McDonald resigned from the Saleyards committee just after it was announced the saleyards would have a $7.5m redevelopment. She wanted yards built at a new site for $16m. So did a lot of the old committee who all walked out in a huff when they didn’t get their way. Why not stay on the committee and be “For the Country”?

Actions speak louder than words Cr McDonald. When you said you were “For Town and Country” we didn’t think meant “Town over Country”.

The other Mac-Action at Council is the vocal and rude campaign being waged on Facebook by Ian McNally against the Mayor, several Councillors and the CEO. He has variously said “there is serious concerns with Burges as CEO”, “ratepayers should have been protected from you fools (Councillors) and your personal vendettas. The Councillors who caused this should pay”, “The Councillors Pennisi, Gale, Bartley, Tancred and Gow have used their office as a personal vendetta”, “They (Cr Pennisi, Bartley, Tancred, Gow, Gale) should never be on Council again”, “Are you (CEO Dave Burges) still not fulfilling your role). A lot of the rudeness has been posted on the Council’s own Facebook page. Talk about keeping it in-house!

Is it usual for a Councillor’s spouse to be so vocal? Perhaps this is manners in the new age and we should get used to it.

L. Ross, Warwick