Musical Sunday afternoon at Allora

If you melt at the velvet tones of a classic crooner or are moved by the heartfelt rhythms of music’s popular past; if you just love to laugh and feel uplifted by the power of great music, then come for a walk down memory lane at the Allora Community Hall on Sunday afternoon, July 29.
The simply titled variety concert, An Afternoon of Song, will appeal to all ages and features The Allora Connections Band (pictured) John Cowley, John Denny, Lesley Telford Bob Denny, Ted Cowley and Michael Maw (absent) as well as support acts from other talented locals.
“It’s the sense of community and the love of music that brings us together,” says sole female performer, Lesley Telford, aka ‘The Glue’. “We hope the audience can feel the same enjoyment that we feel when we get together and play.”
The afternoon event is a community initiative of St Patrick’s Parish, Allora and proceeds this year are planned to assist (among others) the Allora Medical Support Group, St Vincent de Paul and The School of St Jude in Tanzania.
“It’s all about creating an opportunity to bring the community together in a positive way and hopefully raise some funds to support groups, locally as well as globally,” says event organiser, Sue Higgins. The event marks the closure of celebrations for Catholic Education Week and will fittingly showcase the talents of the St Patrick’s School Choir.
A deliciously old-fashioned afternoon tea is included in the $15.00 entry cost and children accompanied by an adult can enjoy the afternoon for free – including a special guest re-appearance by Ted Cowley’s good mate, Jake the Peg. Doors will open at 12.45 for a 1.30 start of what promises to be a social highlight on the 2012 calendar.