Region’s education executives swelled for a day

The ranks of the senior executive of the Department of Education and Communities New England region had an extra staff of 11 earlier this week.
It was done without a blimp on the budget as part of the Regional Executive for a Day initiative.
Aimed at giving promising young leaders in schools an insight into the rewards and challenges of being an executive in a major organisation, Regional Executive for a Day has become an important part of Education Week (July 30 to August 3).
Tenterfield High School student Thomas Butler was among the students who joined the ranks of the senior executive.
He joined regional director Jim White and school education directors Ruythe Dufty, Phil Jones, Jenny Murray and Chris Shaw.
The Regional Executive for a Day program broadens the opportunities available to young leaders from public schools in every region of the state through Director-General for a Day.
Two New England Region Year 11 students were in Sydney to shadow senior officers.
Farrer Memorial Agricultural High School student Ryan Hansen filled the top job, shadowing Director-General Dr Michele Bruniges, while Joanna Lusty of Tenterfield High School worked with Acting Director, Student Welfare, Robyn Bale.
Students are chosen for the programs based on their application for the annual program, which allows talented student leaders to experience first-hand what’s involved in running a NSW Government Department and its components.
They were assessed on their applications, which outlined their leadership experience, personal qualities, areas of interest, and what they hoped to learn if selected.
Through the Director-General and Regional Executive for a Day programs, students learn about the challenges and satisfactions of working in senior management, and find out how educational policy relates to the daily management of schools.