Letters to the editor

A weedy problem

Dear Editor Warwick Today,

I am writing in response to a June letter from Mr Frank Roche regarding the weed problem, growing rapidly, in Southern Downs Regional Council area. Some years ago when my late husband and I received a notice concerning weeds on our block I was not overjoyed to be brought to account for harbouring weed species. The notice did however jolt us into taking action to attack the problem. The weed problem grows if we take our eyes off it for a time. The amount of fireweed and boxthorn, especially, in fields in the area is very concerning.

If anyone from council is doubtful about the proliferation of weeds I can point out at least twenty weed species within half a kilometre of my property. The wet weather has encouraged this growth.

On a more positive note I have made a couple of trips to the waste station recently. The station is not really a “dump” now. It is so clean and tidy I think I’ll take my lunch and have a picnic next time I visit.

Sincerely yours,

Claire Cunningham

Congratulations Cr McNally – another “Remarkable Woman”

The Editor

Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery is currently partnered with Zonta to officially celebrate the “Remarkable Women” of the Granite Belt who have contributed to our community over 150 years.

There are hundreds more than those selected, of course, and one of those is Cr Jo McNally who has long served on the SDRC and been its representative on the SRAG committee. She is a pivotal representative, also, of al those “remarkable women” who choose to to change direction in their middle years, while remaining committed to present roles and responsibilities. Congratulations Cr McNally! Best wishes for your studies. It can be done and has been done, many times, to the betterment of families and community.

Congratulations to Mayor Pennisi for supporting Cr McNally and shame on those “sources inside Council who have raised concerns”. (WTST 7 July’22)

Yours faithfully

Esme Hobba