Goodwills fundraising for refugees

Bob and Laurel Wilson performing.

By Emily-Rose Toohey

A fundraising concert in support of refugees was held at the Warwick U3A Rooms on Sunday and more than $500 was raised for Brisbane’s Romero Centre.

The Goodwills, comprising of Bob and Laurel Wilson, are local musicians who organised the event and performed a myriad of songs and poetry for the audience in attendance.

Bob said $540 was raised in total for the Brisbane-based refugee service, whose main focus was to help asylum seekers find accommodation and support their arrival in Australia.

“They need a constant stream of donations,” he said.

On a local level, Bob is chairman of the Southern Downs Refugee and Migrant Network, which recently held a refugee welcome walk in Warwick on 19 June.

“We wanted to keep the topic of refugees in mind, which is why we did this concert,” he said.

At the event, Bob said there were some generous people who attended and noticed half a dozen $50 notes among the donation collections.

Sunday marked the duo’s (who were supposed to be a trio but group member Helen Rowe was unable to attend) first performance in Warwick since moving to the town in late 2019, just before the Covid-19 pandemic shut-down live music.

See our collection of pictures from the afternoon event of the Goodwills and those in attendance.