Writing challenge on again

Last year as part of the “Love My River Festival”, Condamine Headwaters Landcare Group held both a photography competition and a writing competition.
As this was a huge success, Condamine Headwaters Landcare Group is once again putting out the challenge to all aspiring authors and budding photographers.
Great prizes will be handed out for the best poem or story, which puts into words, actual memories of experiences had with the Condamine River and for the best photograph, which captures an image of the Condamine River showcasing its part in our daily lives, its diverse moods and the people it touches.
For a bit of fun, a further prize shall also be provided for the best photograph of a person forming the Landcare symbol with their hands.
The competitions will run until August 31.
More details on the categories’ requirements and topics can be found on the Landcare website at headwaters.ddrlandcare.org or contact the Landcare office on (07) 4661 9909.