Tricky issue

It was interesting to see in the Tenterfield Shire Counci  Communication newsletter sent out with the rates notices where reforms from the Department of Local Government were automatically accepted by council resolution without question.
One such reform was the deletion of business arising from the previous minutes. This has effectively stifled all debate or information to councillors and the community of matters needing further consideration.
The mayor has allowed a precedent to be set by allowing a councillor to erect a building without a development application, whereas a council director has issued infringement notices to a number of residents/ratepayers in the Tenterfield town area for similar offences.
Information to hand indicates that this councillor is seeking re-election.
Another issue involves a second councillor who has subdivided and created a small block of land with dwelling entitlement, however no development application came before council. No council fees were paid and the submission was made under the guise of exempt development.
This contravenes the Local Environmental  plan and State Environmental Policy

Name and address withheld