Be sweet on Sugarloaf road

Locals have urged people to slow down on Sugarloaf Road, for the safety of local people and wildlife.

By Dominique Tassell

Locals have urged people to slow down on Sugarloaf Road, for the safety of local people and wildlife.

Concerns have been raised about the number of people not obeying the 60km/h signs heading out of town.

Locals stated that many cyclists use that road, and so does a postie on a pushbike.

Passing them over 60 is unsafe, they say, and people are often driving too close as well.

Locals have also raised concerns over the local wildlife, stating that koalas live in that area and should be looked after.

They say koalas are currently in their breeding season, and people need to stay at the speed limit to prevent hitting them.

From dusk to dawn koalas are out and about looking for potential partners. If you come across an injured or sick koala, you can call Granite Belt Wildlife Carers on 0418 144 073.

Officer in Charge Gerard Brady said they “haven’t received any complaints but let us know (call the station) and we can set up targeted patrols”.