New era

Have you seen the activity at the Slade Site over the past couple of months?
About eight weeks ago Mr Terrence McCorkell, the new Principal of the Warwick Christian College, his wife and four children took up residence in the Principal’s house, and a new era for the Slade Campus began! We welcome them warmly, wishing them a long and rewarding experience both at the school, and as members of our community.
How exciting this all is!
Renovations of the site are underway to prepare the property for the arrival of the students in 2013.
Excited children’s voices were heard again using the Slade Oval last Thursday, as the Christian College held its Sports’ Carnival, enjoyed by cheering students. How great it was to see and hear children using the school site!
Recently, Ian Perkins and I were privileged to meet with Mr McCorkell to share ideas about use of the Campus by the community, during lease of the property by the Warwick Christian College. It was encouraging to hear how supportive the School is towards continuing the Community’s use of the site.
All Community Groups who used the site previously are continuing to use the property. New groups interested in using the site are invited to contact the Site Manager for bookings, as the Christian College is keen to share its facilities with Community Groups.
The Warwick Christian College – Slade Campus may become a model for a new concept, in the shared use of school property, by both the school and community.
It may become a true partnership into the future.

Margaret McKinnon