Science Day at Jennings school

Dylan Cramp enjoying the day.

The recent Science Day at Jennings Public School was a great success.
Students from Bonshaw, Deepwater, Jennings and Mingoola attended this National Science Week event organised by Mr McKenzie from Thalgarrah Environmental Education Centre.
The day began with Mr McKenzie talking about what a scientist does and reminding us that we are all scientists when we ask “ Why is it so?” and “ I wonder what will happen if …”.
He then chose student volunteers to help with some amazing science demonstrations including showing what happens when you use pencils to pierce plastic bags and making ‘elephant toothpaste’, coca cola fountains and a smoke toroidal vortex.
After recess, students then moved into stage groups with K-2 investigating floating and sinking with Mrs Toms, stage two examining the behaviour of yabbies and dissecting owl pellets with Mr McKenzie and stage three investigating solar power and the electric conductivity of everyday objects with Mr Coleman.
There were many squeals of delight with all students enjoying learning, laughing and investigating together.
This was a wonderful day, with students and teachers asking when they can do it again!
A big thank you to Mr McKenzie and his team for running the day and to all students and teachers for joining in the fun. They hope to have another Science Day at Jennings Public School in the future.