Wasted money In relation to the art

In relation to the article about Senator Hogg, “who the hell is he anyway?” he must have lived under a rock. And further to the Building Education Revolution, which wasted Millions of Taxpayers’ money. There were libraries built that weren’t required, little or no books at all, and some Schools closed weeks or months later after the buildings went up. Buildings were erected that were not built to the specific Schools requirements and the Cost was usually twice or more of what was quoted by local Building Contractors. Very few or no local contractors were used during the erection of BER buildings.
Even some tuck shops were built when not required and built smaller than the old one that was still fully functional. Some of the main Contractors were involved in price fixing etc., which ended up in the Courts. Take the Company REID/ READ in NSW or the ACT, they received approx $70 million, in funds to “Kick Start” the BER scheme, and by June 2012 had not paid most of their Contractors and or subcontractors, but used the Government monies to purchase equipment overseas.
So Senator Hogg you don’t deserve any accolades whatsoever, you are part and parcel of the whole Labor disaster.

J Stedman