Speak, but who listens?

On the 23rd August the front page of the Free Times ran a headline: ‘Have your say”, relating to potential flood risks in the district, with regard to a study authorized by Local Government. On page three Mr Springborg encouraged unions to speak up to encourage Annastacia Palaszczuk to release documents relating to the health payroll debacle. And so she should.
However, I cannot help comparing this need to hear what we have to say, reaching us through government spokepersons of differing sorts, with that of the Premier and his deputy who don’t want to listen to what thousands of people at risk of losing their jobs have to say on that subject.
I cannot know what the reality of the financial situation of this state is but I abhor the arrogant and heartless way in which those protesting the loss of their livelihood are dismissed as not worth listening to. A few months ago many of those same people were being wooed to bring this new government into power. They were people worthy of consideration then. Now they and we, are being told that the crowd can stand outside as long as it likes, the policies threatening to throw them into despair will not be changed. Well done Mr Newman!

Veronica Hammond