Editor’s Desk

Melissa Coleman

By Melissa Coleman

Noise, so much noise, conversations cancelling each other out, phones ringing, editors zoom calling, reporters interviewing.

It’s been great to step back into a functioning news room.

In the short two weeks since I joined the paper, I’ve met some really lovely people in the region, and even attended my first ever bull sale at Glen Aplin.

But enough about me, I wanted to shine a light on some of the people who keep this paper running – the journalists, contributors and particularly the work experience students.

Sophie Hart from Assumption College Warwick volunteered her time, ideas, and writing skills to create stories that contribute to our paper’s goal of being a community-based publication.

You can read some of the outstanding work she completed during the week she worked with us in this very edition.

My hat goes off to Sophie for all her hard work and her admirable news ethics.

There’s no doubt my sentiments are shared by Dominique, Emily-Rose, Lisa and Samantha as well.